Jilliene Sellner
Goldsmiths, PhD Upgrade Portfolio
November 2022
At the height of lockdown in May 2020, Heya Collective were asked by Teatro do Bairro Alto, Lisbon, to perform and have a discussion event live online. At the time only myself and Zeynep Ayşe Hatipoğlu were available.

For the symposium the discussion focused on the perspectives of artists working outside of ‘Western’ infrastructures where freedom of movement and speech has not been a given and compare and contrast to the lockdown experience globally.
heya sound · Zeynep and Jilliene networked jam
Recorded sound from live networked jam between Zeynep Ayşe Hatipoğlu and myself.
Discussion between Diana Combo (Teatro do Bairro Alto, Lisbon), Zeynep Ayşe Hatipoğlu and myself about our project.