Jilliene Sellner
Goldsmiths, PhD Upgrade Portfolio
November 2022

Heya Collective contributed an asynchronously composed piece for the Sonic Dispatches element of BEAST FEAST (Birmingham ElectroAcoustic Sound Theatre, University of Birmingham) which was livestreamed as part of the festival in April 2021.

We called the piece 'NeRedeeyiz?', the Turkish meaning 'where are we?', referring to the global isolation but also Heya's geographical dispersions.

Festival description:
Join us for 3 days of music, sound, meeting and ideas with featured artists Hildegard Westerkamp (Canada), Budhaditya Chattopadhyay (Netherlands / India), Chris Watson (UK), Pete Stollery (UK), Yang Yeung (Hong Kong) as we explore the Covid Soundscape, the Global soundscape and the Future soundscape. Is there a defining Covid Soundscape? Has the pandemic changed our relationship with the environment? As the quality of our time spent outside has changed are people more acutely aware of the disappearance and reappearance of sound?
heya sound ยท Heya Dispatch BEAST 2021
'NeRedeeyiz?' by Heya Collective